About Me
My name is Meital Davidson, a Certified Sleep Specialist and infant sleep consultant in Melbourne. I am a gentle sleep coach for babies and toddlers, trained by Baby Sleep Consultant training. As a baby sleep consultant, I help parents teach their babies how to sleep by focusing on all the elements that support good sleep. I can also be your online baby sleep consultant if it’s a more convenient arrangement for you.
So if you’re in search of a baby sleep consultant in Australia, or for any enquiry, give us a ring. With packages starting from only $75, you’re sure you’ll find the right one for you. Contact us today for your FREE phone consultation.

My Story
My eldest son had sleep problems and he would not sleep a full night until he was about 1 year old.
I ran my own business at home (family day care) since he was 5 months old at which point I decided that enough is enough and I need a good night’s sleep in order to function and give my best to him and the children I looked after at the time.
I took him to sleep school for a day and the method they used didn’t help, he woke up loads of times every night and I spent whole nights trying to put him back to sleep.
Later I learned that in order to help your child sleep a full night some things have to change during the day. I figured out by myself the best routine for him and read a lot about children’s sleep and what can help. I did something right as when he was 1 year old, he started to sleep full nights.
5 years later I had my second son and when he reached 6 months of age I decided I can’t go on anymore without sleep. We had lots of sleepless and hard nights and the days were no better because of it. I couldn’t function and I was irritated the whole day and hated the way I treated my elder son. I did not know what to do and of course I was very frustrated. I felt I failed every night and every day.

My Solution
I decide to seek the help of a baby sleep consultant that my friend recommended.
Within a week we saw a change and at the end of the process, which took about two weeks, I can say we got our sleep back. My son has slept through ever since. No more worries about what our night will look like, everything is clear, understandable and calm.

My Passion
After our good experience, I decided that I want to be able to help other parents who don’t sleep at night. I started to study and went through the qualification process of becoming a Sleep Consultant. I’m passionate about it as I know it works, it is necessary, and it changes lives!

My Mission
I was a Child Care Educator for nine years during which I had the privilege to educate and nurture children of all ages at day care centres in Sydney and Melbourne.
I also had a small group of children to look after in my own home as part of a Family Day Care scheme for two years. I have always been passionate about educating young minds and now I’m excited to help and educate parents about how to help their children sleep better while promoting good sleep habits.